
With all judgement there is fear
-The Oculatum
When you judge others,
you do not define them,
you define yourself.
-Wayne Dyer

Each thing you judge (positively or negatively)
is you.
-Penney Peirce
Our judgements judge us;
and nothing reveals us
or exposes our weaknesses more ingeniously
than the attitude of pronouncing them upon our fellows.
-Paul Valery
We do not judge men
but what they are in themselves,
but by what they are relative to us.
-Anne Swetchine
All judgement is self-judgement.
-Paul Richard
To see a world that doesn't judge you,
you have to stop judging yourself.
-Tom Carpenter
It took me a long time
not to judge myself through someone else's eyes.
-Sally Field
Get rid of the tendency to judge yourself
above, below, or equal to others.

We live by fragments of experience
and judge by our fragmentary values each thing and whole.
-Aurobindo Ghose
Judge not another by your own law.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
It is amazing from what a mere fraction of a fact concerning him
a man will dare judge the whole of another man.
-George MacDonald
In judging others we always judge them by our own ideals.
That is not as it should be.
Everyone must be judged according to his own ideal,
and not by that of anyone else.
We ought not to judge men
by their absolute excellence,
but by the distance they have traveled
from the point at which they started.
-Henry Ward Beecher
Once we judge someone or something
we tend to stop thinking about them or it.
Which means, along with other things,
that behave in response to our judgements
rather than to that which is being judged.
People and things are processes.
Judgements convert them into fixed states.
This is one reason that judgements are often self-fulfilling.
-Neil Postman
Never judge a man by his errors.
-Selvarajan Yesudian
Judge a tree from its fruit,
not from its leaves.
Beware as long as you live,
of judging people by appearance.
-Jean de La Fontaine
What we do not understand
we have no right to judge.
-Henry Frederic Amiel
When one understands, one no longer judges
and when one judges, it means that one doesn't know.
-Mirra Alfassa, "The Mother"
One who has the vision, the consciousness,
who is capable of seeing the truth in all things,
never feels the need to judge anything whatever.
-Mirra Alfassa, "The Mother"
Let yourself become that space
that welcomes any experience without judgement.
-Tsoknyi Rinpoche