Lack of Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is the result
of the relationship you have with yourself...
the thoughts and attitudes you have of yourself.
-Phil Laut
Every man stamps his own value on himself.
-Johann von Schiller

Self-esteem is your reputation with yourself.
-Nathaniel Branden

When we act in ways that conflict 
with our judgement of what is appropriate,
we lose face in our own eyes.
-Nathaniel Branden
The biggest obstacle to happiness
is lack of self-esteem.
People who lack an internal sense
of self-value, self-respect and self-worth,
become very egocentric.
-Robert Schuller

Your problem is 
you are too busy holding on to your unworthiness.
-Richard Alpert, "Ram Dass"

Lack of self-worth is the fundamental source of all emotional pain.
-Gary Zukav
A man cannot be comfortable
without his own approval.
-Samuel Clemens "Mark Twain"
He that respects himself is safe from others;
he wears a coat of mail that none can pierce.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
No man who is occupied in doing a difficult thing,
and doing it very well,
ever loses his self-respect.
-George Bernard Shaw