
Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the shadow.
-T. S. Eliot
The shadow is our share
of the imperfection of human nature.
-Carl Jung
Every man casts a shadow;
not his body only,
but his imperfectly mingled spirit.
-Henry David Thoreau
The shadows:
some hide, others reveal.
-Antonio Porchia
My shadow is the opposite of the "correct,"
my shadow is my error -
that shadow belongs to me,
only I possess it inside me.
-Clarice Lispector
Most of the shadows in this life
are caused by standing in one's own sunshine.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
The whole shadow of Man
is only as big as his hat.
-Elizabeth Bishop
Most of the time
we stand with our backs to our own light,
looking into the shadows.
-Sivananda Radha
Men stand in their own shadow
and wonder why it's dark.
-Zen Saying
You cannot escape your shadow
on a moonlit night.
-John K. Williams
To think of shadows
is a serious thing.
-Victor Hugo
Pursuit after a shadow
is pursuit after nothingness.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
One is forever throwing away substance
for shadows.
-Jennie Churchill
Many men spend their lives
in gazing at their own shadows,
and so dwindle away into shadows thereof.
-Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare
Will I never cease
setting my heart on shadows
and following a lie?
-Saint Augustine
Alas! must it ever be so?
Do we stand in our own light, wherever we go,
And fight our own shadows forever?
-Edward Bulwer-Lytton
If we have identified too closely with the light,
have too idealized an image of ourselves,
then our shadow will surely come up
and hit us on our backside.
-Marion Woodman
Everyone carries a shadow
and the less it is embodied
in the individual's conscious life,
the blacker and denser it is.
-Carl Jung
The man who recognizes his shadow
knows very well that he is not harmless.
-Carl Jung
If you do not meet your shadow,
it will show up as your fate.
-Carl Jung
The person you call an enemy
is an exaggerated aspect of your own shadow self.
-Deepak Chopra
If we're ever going to get along with our mates,
we have to deal with our shadow.
-Marion Woodman
Some aspects of ourselves are in the light,
visible to us and others.
Other aspects, positive and negative,
are in shadow unseen by us,
even when seen by others.
These are the parts of ourselves that have been
neglected, disowned, forgotten, judged,
unrecognized, or underdeveloped.
-Jill Mellick
The shadow is anything
we are sure we are not;
it is part of us we do not know,
sometimes do not want to know,
most times do not want to know.
We hardly bear to look.
It may carry the best of the life
we have not lived.
-Marion Woodman
The Self pushes the neglected forward for recognition.
Do not disregard it.
It holds energy of highest value.
It is the gold in the dung.
Do not disregard the dung.
-Marion Woodman
To own one's own shadow
is to reach a holy place - an inner centre -
not attainable in any other way.
-Robert Johnson
You cannot cause a shadow to disappear
by trying to fight it, stamp on it, by railing against it,
of any other form of emotional or physical resistance.
In order to cause a shadow to disappear,
you must shine a light on it.
-Shakti Gawain
Once we've recognize our shadow,
once we've accepted it
as part of who we are,
and begun to civilize it,
we are no longer judgmental of others.
-Marion Woodman
God preserve me
from being reduced to my shadow.
-Marion Woodman