
Anger broke the pane of glass between us.
-Nancy Friday

Anger is loaded
with information and energy.
-Audre Lorde

Never forget what a man says to you when he is angry.
-Henry Ward Beecher
The root of anger
is an unhappy frame of mind.
-Georgia Nicols
Anger is really disappointed hope.
-Erica Jong
Anger always comes from frustrated expectations.
-Elliott Larson

Anger always has fear underneath it.
-Carleton Whitehead

The only antidote to anger
is to eliminate the internal sentence,
"If only you were more like me."
-Wayne Dyer

All anger is a denial of projection.
-Hugh Prather
Indeed, anger can be thought of as anti-joy.
-William Braxton Irvine

All men of anger are men of pride.
-Midrash Rabbah
Anger is a short madness.
For very minute you remain angry,
you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
When anger threatens reason,
wait while the storm runs its course
before venturing forth.
-Zen Saying
Anger locks a person in his own house.
-Noah ben Sheah
When anger arises
think of the consequences.
How much more grievous
are the consequences of anger
than the causes of it.
-Marcus Aurelius
Anger is an acid that can do more harm
to the vessel in which it is stored
than to anything in which it is poured.
-Mark Twain
Every time you get angry
you poison your own system.
-Alfred A. Montapert
Beware of him that is slow to anger;
anger, when it is long in coming,
is the stronger when it comes, and longer kept.
-Francis Quarles
So long as a man is angry,
he cannot be in the right.
-Chinese proverb
A man can't be angry at his own time
without suffering some damage.
-Robert Musil
There is not good cause for anger to another
-The Oculatum
What most increases anger
is the feeling that one is in the wrong.
-Johann Paul Friedrich Richter
Anger may be foolish and absurd,
and one may be irritated when in the wrong;
but a man never feels outraged
unless in some respect he is at bottom right.
-Victor Hugo

If anyone is capable of angering you,
this person becomes your master.
All anger is nothing more than attempt
to make someone feel guilty.
-A Course in Miracles
If the person does not change,
detach yourself calmly from him or her
and abandon your anger.
Whatever you do, do not get absorbed in it.
-Mother Meera
Patience is the antidote to anger.
-Georgia Nicols

In anger we should refrain
both from speech and action.
When angry, count ten before you speak;
if very angry, an hundred.
-Thomas Jefferson
I have learned through bitter experience that one supreme lesson:
to conserve my anger,
and as heat conserved is transmuted into energy,
even so our anger controlled
can be transmuted into a power which can move the world.
-Mohandas Gandhi
To rule one's anger is well;
to prevent it is better.
-Tyron Edwards