
Depression is frozen feeling.
-Jeff Brown
Depression occurs when you catch sight
of the looming emptiness of your life.
-Rebecca Clark
Depression is the inability
to construct a future.
-Rollo May
Depression is a result of feeling powerless - 
powerless to change your circumstances 
and feeling trapped by your life.
-Mike Dooley
To some degree
depression is a function of unconscious anger.
-Steve Hovland
Depression is rage spread thin.
-George Santayana
In addition to my other numerous acquaintances,
I have one more intimate contact.
My depression is the most faithful mistress I have ever known -
no wonder, then, that I return the love.
-Soren Kirkegaard

The quickest way to get rid of your depression hound
is to buy and tame a gratitude lamb.
-Chinmoy Kumar Ghose, "Sri Chinmoy"
Always look for what is good in you.
Concentrate all your attention on this good part of yourself,
show it in the full light of day,
and transform depression into the joy of being.
-Rabbi Nachman of Breslov