The undecided heart searches for an escape.
-Andy Andrews
Hiding places are innumerable,
escape is only one,
but possibilities of escape, again,
are as many as hiding places.
-Franz Kafka
We each devise our means of escape
from the intolerable.
-William Styron
Gluttony is an emotional escape,
a sign something is eating us.
-Peter de Vries
We feel free when we escape -
even if it be from the frying pan into the fire.
-Eric Hoffer
A fine tempered nature longs to escape from the personal life
into the world of objective perception and thought.
-Albert Einstein
The only way to escape the abyss
is to look at it, gauge it, sound it out
and then descend into it.
-Cesare Pavese
The past is our definition.
We may strive, with good reason,
to escape it, or to escape the bad in it,
but we will escape it only by adding something better to it.
-Wendell Berry
A person in danger should not try to escape all at one stroke.
He should first calmly hold his own,
then be satisfied with small gains,
which will come by creative adaptations.
-I Ching