The personal pronoun "I,"
might well be the coat of arms of some individuals.
-Antoine Rivarol
The personal ego, until it has been tamed,
is always saying,
'Look at me,' or perhaps, 'Don't look at me'.
-Ann Mortifee
Egotists cannot converse,
they talk to themselves only.
-Amos Bronson Alcott
Self-love, so sensitive to its own cause,
has rarely any sympathy to spare for others.
-Germaine de Stael
Nothing so Empty
as those who are Full of themselves.
-Benjamin Whichcote
A person wrapped up in himself
makes a small package.
-Harry Emerson Fosdick
Egoism is the self-arrogating principle
in man.
The ego tends to manifest
as a powerful urge to be right.
-Derek Lin
Ego is a slippery fellow,
intent on survival at all costs.
-Lama Surya Das
Egoism is harder than granite or steel.
I own and operate a ferocious ego.
-Bill Moyers
Human egotism is hell on earth.
-Vernon Howard
It is the ego that has a jarring effect
upon life.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Ego is disharmony.
-Wayne Dyer
All unhappiness is due to ego.
-Mother Meera
Ego and karma are one and the same thing.
-David R. Hawkins
Man's worst enemy is his ego, his own ego.
When it is not in his control
man's thought, speech and action
are bent towards the gratification of his ego.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
There's not much difference
between an inflated I
and an inflated other.
-Stephen Mitchell
Only the ego resists egos.
The spirit may notice egos,
but sees beyond them
and does not engage with them.
-Alan Cohen
Ego is a drama queen that loves to wrestle with difficulties.
-Andrew Dolecek
Why give the ego more power
by resisting and opposing it?
-David R. Hawkins
Only your allegiance it it
gives the ego any power over you.
-A Course in Miracles
It's hard to fight the enemy
when it has outposts in your head.
-Sally Kempton
I have never met a man
who gives me as much trouble as myself.
-Dwight Moody
The ego is a false self
born out of fear and defensiveness.
-John O'Donohue
Nothing is so weak
as an egotist.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Egotism is the source and summary
of all faults and miseries.
-Thomas Carlyle
Ego maintains itself in creating conflict
between the opposites within.
-Richard and Iona Miller
The ego lives in the tension
between what you are and what you want to be.
-Chandra Mohan Jain, "Osho"
Where egoism exist,
thou are not experienced.
-Adi Granth
Controlling the ego is very difficult
because the ego occurs automatically,
before our reflective powers can manifest.
-David Frawley
The eradication of egoism
in all it numerous aggressive forms
comprises the very core of spirituality.
The ego cannot thrive unless it is given food to feed on.
Remember this: don't ever let any food be given to it,
either by yourself or by others.
Check your egos at the door.
-Quincy Jones
Polish the ego's rust
from the mirror of your mind.
-Fakhr al-Din Iraqi
Truly, nothing weighs on the ego
but that which is true.
-Ibn Ata'illah
but that which is true.
-Ibn Ata'illah
Make your ego porous.
-Rainer Maria Rilke
The greater the person,
the finer the ego.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
When one is concerned with one's ego
one is a small as that little particle that it is.
-Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
You may have reduced or thinned out your egoism to a very great extent
but if you are still susceptible to censure and praise,
know that the subtle egoism is still lurking in you.
Humility is the control of egotism.
-Deng Ming-Dao
Put your mind on God
and the ego will take care of itself[that is, it will dissolve.]
-Anasuya Devi
Enlightenment is ego's ultimate disappointment.
-Chogyam Trungpa
The island ego joined her continent.
-Aurobindo Ghose