Hate is the desire for something or someone
to not exist, to not be.
-John Sandbach
Do not hate.
Hatred is a form of subjectivity
that binds you to the hated object.
-Wu Wei
Hatred ...is anger
which has been allowed to dwell in the mind
until it has hardened like so much cement.
-Napoleon Hill
The greatest hatred,
like the greatest virtue and the worst dogs,
is silent.
-Jean Paul Friedrich Richter
No man,
even for his body's sake,
can afford to indulge in hatred.
It is like repeated doses of poison.
-Florence Scovel Shinn
Hate is too great a burden to bear.
It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.
-Coretta Scott King
Hating people
is like burning down your own house
to get rid of a rat.
-Harry E. Fosdick
Hate is a consequence of fear;
we fear something before we hate;
a child who fears noises becomes the man who hates them.
-Cyril Connelly
There is no hate without fear.
Hate is crystallized fear, fear's dividend, fear objectivized.
We hate what we fear and so where hate is, fear will be lurking.
Thus we hate what threatens our person, our liberty,
our privacy, our income, our popularity,
our vanity and our dreams and plans for ourselves.
If we can isolate. this element in what we hate
we may be able to cease from hating.
Analyze in this way the hatred of ideas
or the kind of people whom we have once loved
and whose faces are preserved in the Spirit of Anger.
Hate is the consequence of fear;
we fear something before we hate;
a child who fears noises becomes the man who hates them.
-Cyril Connelly
Hatred is the coward's revenge
for being intimidated.
-George Bernard Shaw
The principal difference between love and hate
is that love is an irradiation, and hate is a concentration.
Love makes everything lovely,
hate concentrates itself on the object of its hatred.
-Sydney J. Harris
A man's hatred is always concentrated on the thing
that makes him conscious of his bad qualities.
-Carl Jung
If you hate a person,
you hate something in him that is part of yourself.
What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.
-Hermann Hesse
Usually, if we hate, it is the shadow of the person that we hate,
rather than the substance.
We may hate a person because he reminds us of someone
we feared or disliked when younger;
or because we find him some gross caricature
of what we find repugnant in ourself;
or because he symbolizes an attitude that seems to threaten us.
-Sydney J. Harris
As long as you hate,
there will be people to hate.
-George Harrison
The one who hates
is he who cannot appreciate.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
I am a poor hater.
-James A. Garfield
I would permit no man...
to narrow and degrade my soul
by making me hate him.
-Booker T. Washington
The price of hating another human being
is loving oneself less.
-Eldridge Cleaver
Meet hatred with hatred
and you degrade yourself.
Meet hatred with love
and you not only elevate yourself
but also the one who bears you hatred.
-Ralph Waldo Trine
Hatred which is completely vanquished by love,
passes into love.
-Baruch Spinoza
The pure unadulterated love of one person
can nullify the hatred of millions.
-Mohandas Gandhi