
What is guilt?
It is moral self-reproach -
I did wrong when it was possible to have done otherwise.
-Nathaniel Branden

Guilt is anger directed at ourselves -
what we did or did not do.
-Peter McWilliams
Guilt is anything you did
and fear others to know about.
The guilty heart
needs no accuser
-The Oculatum
The guilty think all talk
is of themselves.
-Geoffrey Chaucer
A guilty conscience is like that of a whirlpool
drawing in all to itself
that would otherwise pass by.
-Thomas Fuller
Guilt has very quick ears
to an accusation.
-Henry Fielding
A given excuse that was not asked for
implies guilt.
-Singaporean Proverb
A guilty conscience never feels secure.
-Publilius Syrus
The guilt being great,
the fear doth still exceed.
-William Shakespeare
Innocence has a single voice
that can say over and over again
"I didn't do it."
Guilt has a thousand voices,
all of them lies.
-Leonard F. Peltier
Each snowflake in an avalanche
pleads not guilty.
-Stanislaw J. Lec
Every man is guilty
of the all the good he didn't do.
Short is the joy
that guilty pleasure brings.
Healthy guilt is the emotional core our our conscience.
It is emotion which results from behaving 
in a manner contrary to our beliefs and values.
-John Bradshaw
No guilt is forgotten
so long as the conscience still knows of it.
-Stefan Zweig
A guilty conscience is a hidden enemy.
-Native American Proverb
Let this be your wall of brass,
to have nothing on your conscience,
no guilt to make you turn pale.

When there is guilt, let it emblazon the lesson learned on your memory
so that the mistake will never again be repeated.
-Mike Dooley
Guilt is the teacher,
love is the lesson.
-Joan Borysenko