The world is an illusion,
but it is an illusion which we must take seriously,
because it is real as far as it goes.
-Aldous Huxley
Reality is merely an illusion,
albeit a very pleasant one.
-Albert Einstein
A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance
when the need for illusion is great.
-Saul Bellow
when the need for illusion is great.
-Saul Bellow
You create your own illusion,
and become entangled in it.
If we choose,
we can live in a world of comforting illusion.
-Noam Chomsky
Illusion is the first of all pleasures.
There are as many pillows of illusions
as flakes in a snowstorm.
We wake from one dream into another dream.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
What do any of us have but our illusions?
And what do we ask of others
but that we be allowed to keep them?
-W. Somerset Maugham
Men will clutch at illusions
when they have nothing else to hold to.
-Czeslaw Milosz
A great deal of intelligence
can be invested in ignorance
when the need for illusion is deep.
-Saul Bellow
Illusion is needed
to disguise the emptiness within.
-Arthur Erickson
It's a rare person wants to hear
what he doesn't want to hear.
-Dick Cavett
Illusion recognized must disappear.
-A Course in Miracles
How strange when an illusion dies.
It's as though you've lost a child.
-Judy Garland
Why, if it was an illusion, not praise the catastrophe, whatever it was,
that destroyed illusion and put truth in its place?
-Virginia Woolf
that destroyed illusion and put truth in its place?
-Virginia Woolf
Losing an illusion makes you wiser
than finding a truth.
-Ludwig Borne
Nothing is more hidden from us
that the illusion which lives with us day by day,
and our greatest illusion is to believe
that we are who we think ourselves to be.
-Henri Amiel
The real illusion
is to believe that we are separate from God.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
Infinite love is the only truth.
Everything else is an illusion.
-David Icke