Pride is the mask
we make of our faults.
-Hebrew Proverb
Who is it that affirms most boldly?
Who is it that holds his opinion most obstinately?
Ever he who hath most ignorance;
for he also hath most pride.
Who is it that holds his opinion most obstinately?
Ever he who hath most ignorance;
for he also hath most pride.
Pride is to the character,
like the attic to the house the highest part,
and generally the most empty.
-John Gay
Pride is pleasure
arising from man's thinking too highly of himself.
-Baruch Spinoza
Pride erects a little kingdom of its own,
and acts as sovereign of it.
-William Hazlitt
A stern and proud person,
sure of his opinion and who builds a wall of his own point of view,
is difficult to manage;
for he shuts himself by the wall of his own point of view
and covers his own eyes by his pride.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Pride and weakness are Siamese twins.
-James Russell Lowell
Pride is a tricky glorious double-edged feeling.
-Adrienne Rich
Pride, like a magnet,
constantly points to one object, self;
but, unlike a magnet,
it has not attractive pole, but at all points repels.
-Charles Caleb Colton
Pride is seldom delicate;
it will please itself with very mean advantages.
-Samuel Johnson
The more vanity a person has
the less sympathy he has for others,
for all his attention is given to his own satisfaction,
and he is blind toward others.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Pride is a cold, stormy, barren mountain.
-John Thornton
Pride, perceiving humility honorable,
often borrows her cloak.
-Thomas Fuller
All pride is willing pride.
-William Shakespeare
Humility is often only a feigned submission,
of which we make use to make others submissive.
It is the trickery of pride
which abases itself in order to exalt itself a thousand different ways.
It is never better disguised and more capable of deceiving
than when it conceals itself under the cloak of humility.
-Francois de La Rochefoucauld
It's not that you have to be humble.
You just have to be real.
-Georgia Nicols
Spiritual pride is the most dangerous
and the most arrogant of all sorts of pride.
-Samuel Richardson
Proud people breed sad sorrows for themselves.
-Emily Bronte
In general, pride is at the bottom of all great mistakes.
-John Ruskin
If a man has a right to be proud of anything,
it is of a good action done as it ought to be,
without any base interest lurking at the bottom of it.
-Laurence Stern