
The fundamental condition of childhood is powerlessness.
-Jane Smiley
It is in the interests of both sexes
to hear the other sex's experience of powerlessness.
-Warren Farrell
For if there is one thing I have learned over the years about men,
it is that feelings of powerlessness
do not usually bring forth their finest qualities.
-Elizabeth Gilbert
Men are strong only so long as they represent a strong idea.
They become powerless when they oppose it.
-Sigmund Freud
Powerlessness consists in wanting or having to
satisfy one's social instincts through another person
whose social instincts one has not succeeded in concentrating on oneself -
one then does everything the other asks.
-Esther Vilar
Silence and invisibility go hand in hand with powerlessness.
-Audre Lorde
When we feel powerless, we stop trying to find a better way.
-Walter Dean Myers
At times it is strangely sedative
to know the extent of your own powerlessness.
-Erica Jong
The almost insoluble task is to let neither the power of others,
nor our own powerlessness, stupefy us.
-Theodor Adorno
 A state of chronic powerlessness eats away at a person.
- Haruki Murakami
It’s that sense of powerlessness that destroyed my soul.
-Paul Coelho
I am living in hell from one day to the next.
But there is nothing I can do to escape.
I don't know where I would go if I did.
I feel utterly powerless, and that feeling is my prison.
I entered of my own free will,
I locked the door, and I threw away the key.
-Haruki Murakami
The pain of powerlessness is excruciating.
It is the most painful experience in the earth school,
and everyone shares it.
-Gary Zukav
Powerlessness is an excruciating pain;
it is torture insurmountable.
-Richelle E. Goodrich
A feeling of insecurity, unworthiness and lack of value
is the core experience of powerlessness.
-Gary Zukav
Generally speaking, violence always arises out of impotence.
It is the hope of those who have no power.
-Hannah Arendt
The acknowledgment of powerlessness does empower.
-Peg O'Connor
What we actually learn, from any given set of circumstances,
determines whether we become increasingly powerless or more powerful.
-Blaine Lee
Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless
means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral.
-Paulo Freire
The deep root of failure in our lives is to think,
 'Oh how useless and powerless I am.'
It is essential to think strongly and forcefully,
'I can do it,' without boasting or fretting.
-Tenzin Gyatso, The 14th Dalai Lama
Powerlessness implies inactivity,
like an appliance that is not plugged into its electrical current.
Empowerment is about plugging into responsible choices
and then acting upon them to your fullest capacity.
-David Kipper