
Accept life, and you must accept regret.
-Henri Frederic Amiel
I regret nothing,
says arrogance.
I will regret nothing,
says inexperience.
-Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Remorse is the echo of a lost virtue.
-Edward Bulwer-Lytton
It isn't the thing you do, Dear
It's the thing you leave undone
Which gives you a bit of a heartache
At the setting of the sun.
-Margaret E. Sangster
It is a mortifying reflection
for a man to consider
what he has done compared
with what he might have done.
-Samuel Johnson
For of all sad words of tongue or pen,
The saddest are these:
"It might have been!"
John Greenleaf Whittier
Do nothing that would make you regret,
"What have I done!"
However, if regrettable deeds do occur,
do not remain regretful.
Chronic remorse is a most undesirable sentiment.
On no account brood over your wrongdoing.
Rolling in the muck is not the best way of getting clean.
-Aldous Huxley
Nor mourn the unalterable Days
That Genius goes and Folly stays.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
We should only regret
when we do not live our lives fully
and in a way that is most true to ourselves.
-Deng Ming-Dao
Do not look back upon what you might have been.
Rather, lift up, look up, now, where you are,
-Edgar Cayce
I have made it a rule in my life
never to regret and never to look back.
Regret is an appalling waste of energy...
You can't build on it;
it's only good for wallowing in.
-Katharine Mansfield
Never regret.
If it's good it's wonderful.
If it's bad, it's experience.
-Victoria Holt
To regret deeply is to live afresh.
-Henry David Thoreau