There's nothing as artificial as sinning nowadays.
I suppose it was once real.
-D. H. Lawrence
To think you are separate from God is the original sin.
-Leonard Orr
Sin is whatever obscures the soul.
-Andre Gide
Sin is only the ignorance of our conditioning,
a fall from our true nature.
-David Frawley
Sin is the denial of one's own deeper nature.
Being afraid is the first consciousness
of the entertaining of sin into the soul.
-Edgar Cayce
All sin is an error of the will,
a desire and act of the ignorance.
-Aurobindo Ghose
Sin is the blurring of truth
which clouds over the purity of our consciousness.
-Rabindranth Tagore
I was in that area of despair
where one is incapable of being ontological.
In my definition, this is sin.
-Madeline L'Engle
The only sin is self-hatred.
It is an act of negation.
-Paul Williams
Sin is a queer thing.
It isn't the breaking of divine commandments.
It is the breaking of one's own integrity.
-D. H. Lawrence
Sin is acting against one's better knowledge.
-Silvia Demitz, "Sivananda Radha"
Knowledge not applied is sin.
-Silvia Demitz, "Sivananda Radha"
Sin is not a distance,
it is a turning of our gaze in the wrong direction.
-Simone Weil
Every sin is an attempt to fly from emptiness.
-Simone Weil
A "sin" is something which is not necessary.
-George Gurdjieff
Sin is what puts a man to sleep
when he has already decided to awaken.
And what puts a man to sleep?
Everything that is unnecessary,
everything that is not indispensable.
-P. D. Ouspensky
There's only one real sin,
and that is to persuade oneself
that the second-best is anything but the second-best.
-Doris Lessing
To those whose god is honor,
disgrace alone is sin.
-Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare
The only sin of man is selfishness.
-Edgar Cayce
There is no sin
but the lack of love.
-Paul Coelho
There is only one sin,
and that is not to love enough.
-Mother Meera
Should we all confess our sins to one another
we would all laugh at one another for our lack of originality.
-Kahlil Gibran
Commit the oldest sins
the newest kind of ways.
-William Shakespeare
Few love to hear the sins they love to act.
-William Shakespeare
-William Shakespeare
All human sin seems so much worse
in its consequences than in its intention.
-Reinhold Neibuhr
in its consequences than in its intention.
-Reinhold Neibuhr
Men are not punished for their sins,
but by them.
-Elbert Hubbard
but by them.
-Elbert Hubbard
so much as mercy.
-William Shakespeare
No person sins for someone else.
You never hate a brother for his sins,
but only for your own.
-A Course in Miracles
but only for your own.
-A Course in Miracles
Who are you to condemn another's sin?
He who condemns sin becomes part of it,
espouses it.
-Georges Bernanos
He who condemns sin becomes part of it,
espouses it.
-Georges Bernanos
Whoever has the capacity to pray for a neighbor and does not
is called a sinner.
is called a sinner.
We are sinful not simply because
we have eaten from the Tree of Knowledge,
but also because we haven't eaten yet from the Tree of Life.
-Franz Kafka
Sin is the fuel for virtue's fire.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
-Hazrat Inayat Khan